IMPORTANT: Osaka Prefecture University Kendo Club Dinner Venue Change
To Kendo Clubs across Ontario:
We have changed the venue of the reception dinner with Osaka Prefecture University Kendo Club to the Faculty Club. We apologize for the short notice and if the sudden change causes any inconvenience. Therefore, we will also extend the RSVP deadline to Wednesday, September 7th. The original time and date will remain unchanged. We would also like everyone to know that this event will be a cocktail reception rather than a sit-down dinner.
A voluntary donation of $10 or more per participant, to support the OPU visit, would be appreciated.
Date: Saturday, September 10th
Time: 6:00pm-8:00pm
Location: The Faculty Club (41 Willcocks Street)
If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact us.
University of Toronto Kendo Club